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减寿率率+rate+of+PYLL英语短句+例句大全: Exploring the Impact of Premature Years of Life Lost

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“减寿率(rate of premature years of life lost, PYLL)”反映了某一特定原因所导致的早逝风险。在医学和公共卫生领域,减寿率是一个重要的衡量指标,可以帮助评估特定疾病或危险因素对人群健康的影响。通过研究减寿率,我们可以更好地了解各种疾病和伤害的影响程度,从而采取相应的预防和干预措施,保护公众健康。例如,“尼古丁成瘾导致的减寿率”、“饮食不健康导致的减寿率”等,这些数据能够帮助决策者制定更加精准的健康政策,以减少早逝风险,延长人们的健康寿命。

减寿率,rate of PYLL

1)rate of PYLL减寿率


1.An Analysis of the Malignancy Induced Life Lost and Potential Years of Life Lost Rate from to in Hunan Province湖南省~恶性肿瘤减寿年数和减寿率分析

2.If reducers with hard gear surface are applied, it will have long life and high mechanical efficiency.减速器采用硬齿面传动设计,寿命长,机械效率高。

3.SEW speed reducer is selected to reduce noise (75db), high transmission efficiency; low energy consume; long using period.性能特点:1.选用SEW(德国)减速机,噪音小,仅为76分贝,传动效率高、节能,寿命长。

4.This is due in part to medical discoveries which have greatly reduced infant mortality and extended life expectancy.这种增加的部分原因是医学方面的新发现大大减低了婴儿的死亡率和延长了寿命.

5.The Ruin Probability of Life Insurances under Constant Interest Force and Double Losses Condition;常利率双损失环境下的寿险破产概率

6.Mean Life Evaluation on Power LED Through Accelerate Life Test加速寿命试验评估功率发光二极管平均寿命

7.Friction can be reduced and the life of the machine prolonged by lubrication.润滑能减少摩擦,延长机器寿命。

8.The Tooth Bending Fatigue Life Prediction of the Main Reduction Gears of Ship Unloader卸船机主减速齿轮弯曲疲劳寿命预测

9.The reasons of rapid decline in cycle life of Li-ion battery锂离子电池循环寿命快速衰减的原因

10.dry adiabatic lapse rate干绝热〔温度〕递减率;干绝热〔温度〕直减率

11.Particularly cigarette smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.尤其是吸卷烟会缩短人的概率寿命。

12.life expectance(根据概率统计求得的)预期[估计]寿命

13.Determination and calculation of the rate of waiver of premium for disability in life insurance actuarial calculation寿险精算中伤残免缴率的厘定及计算

14.Study on the Repetition-rate Long-lifetime Gas Spark Switch;重复频率长寿命气体火花开关的研究

15.The Empirical Analysis of Operational Efficiency of the Non-Life Industry Based on the DEA Method;基于DEA方法的非寿险业经营效率研究

16.The Study on Actuary Model of Life Insurance under Stochastic Interest Rate;随机利率下的人寿保险精算模型研究

17.The Depicition of Multivariate Lifetime Distribution Based on Conditional Failure Rate;基于条件失效率的多维寿命分布刻画

18.Study on the effect of the variation of interest rate on Life insurance and the countermeasure;利率变动对寿险业的影响及对策研究


Rate of potential life lost减寿率

1.The standardized rate of potential life lost of cancers,diabete mellitus,cardiopathy,cerebrovascular related diseases among urban residents was 11.城市居民恶性肿瘤、糖尿病、心脏病、脑血管病标化减寿率分别为11。

3)Rate of Potential Years of Life Lost(PYLL‰)减寿率(PYLL‰)

4)standardized YPLL rate标化减寿率

1.Methods The data of cancer mortaliy in urban Harbin from 1995 to were analyzed by standardized mortaliy rate,standardized YPLL rate,standardized WYPLL rate.方法采用标化死亡率、标化减寿率等指标对1995~哈尔滨市区居民恶性肿瘤死亡监测资料进行统计分析。

5)life lost减寿

1.Objective To explore the factors influencinglife lost in patients with coal workers" pneumoconiosis(CWP)in Ningxia and to provide a basis for tertiary prevention of CWP.目的探讨宁夏煤工尘肺患者减寿的影响因素,为进一步开展煤矿尘肺的三级预防提供理论依据。


1.Objective:To analyze the death causes ofPYLL among the female population at the reproductive ages of 15~49 in Nanjing cityMethods:By the indexes of MR,PYLL and LLR , to analyze the causes of potential years of life loss and deathResults:MR of the female population at the reproductive ages was 35.方法采用死亡率(MR)、减寿年数(PYLL)和减寿率(LLR)等指标分析育龄女性潜在减寿死因。

2.Objective To study the trend of cancer s mortality rate,PYLL and life lost rate among residents of Dalian city during 1981 to .目的分析1981—大连市区居民恶性肿瘤死亡率、减寿年数(PYLL)和减寿率的变化趋势。

3.[Objective] To probe the main cause of death resulting from the protential years of life lost (PYLL ), theirPYLLS and the varied tendency with time.[方法]应用潜在减寿年数(potential years of life lost,PYLL),分析沂蒙山区居民1993-2002年死因资料,比较1993-1997年(前期)和1998-2002 年(后期)两个时期男女人群主要死因的PYLL、位序及变化情况。


减字木兰花 为监司寿【诗文】:乾坤清气。崧岳生申名盖世。白简霜飞。不为人间鼠发机。要期庄算。九十春光都占断。平秩南讹。管领薰风入舜歌。【注释】:【出处】:

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  1. 蜉蝣2024-01-29 09:38蜉蝣[香港网友]
    Exploring the Impact of PYLL sounds really interesting, Id love to learn more about this concept and how it affects different communities.
  2. 小小枫2024-01-29 09:12小小枫[宁夏网友]
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